Our Process



In order to help you make smart decisions, we must first get to know you. This is why we have an initial Discovery Meeting with you to determine your values and goals. We do not discuss which investments you should be in or do any "number-crunching" in this meeting. It is solely designed to get to know you and help determine what your true goals and aspirations are. After this meeting, you can decide if you want us to create an investment plan for you.


We will present your investment plan to you and answer any questions you may have. We will give you the absolute truth about your financial situation from an independent, objective point of view. At this point, you can decide if you want to start a long-term relationship with us.


This meeting is to help you organize all the paperwork you've received from your financial institution and what we have given you.  We also ensure you have registered for account access and ensure you are receiving all communication and correspondence in the manner you desire (i.e. electronic or paper).  We are here to answer any questions you have and to ensure a smooth transition and relationship. We will also discuss and prioritize advanced planning ideas such as tax mitigation, estate planning, wealth protection and charitable giving.


These meetings will be our bench marking and implementation meetings. During these meetings we will begin implementing phases of your advanced planning as well as updating your progress in relation to your stated goals.  It is important to periodically discuss what has changed personally, professionally, and financially since we last met.